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 Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016

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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2005

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MessageSujet: Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016   Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 EmptyMer 27 Jan 2016, 00:20

Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 PosterHBS2016

Bettas4all presents: The Holland Betta Show 2015
19-21 August 2016
Kasteeltuinen Arcen
Lingsforterweg 26
5944 BE Arcen
The Netherlands is proud to announce the 7th edition of the Holland Betta Show which will be held during the 24th edition of the Holland Koi Show in the beautiful Castle Gardens of Arcen, the Netherlands.

The Holland Betta Show 2016 can be found in the tent of the Holland Aquarium Show and is a unique opportunity for Bettas4all to introduce our beautiful hobby to the public. A dedicated team of experienced betta hobbyists will provide you with all the necessary information with respect to the keeping, breeding and showing of show bettas.
At the show approximately 300 show Bettas of different color and finnage varieties will be shown. The fish will be judged on vitality, color, finnage, bodyshape and overall appearance by a team of experienced hobbyists according to the Bettas4all standard© to determine the winners of the various showclasses and the special prices. It will also be possible for the visitors to purchase some quality fish for a reasonable price.

We are proud to announce that this year a unique additional competition will be added to the Holland Betta Show 2016:
“Koi” Bettas judged by Koi judges!
Besides being judged according to the Bettas4all Standard©, all "koi marbles" will be judged according to their pattern by certified Koi judges.

In the past 6 years the Holland Betta Show has positioned itself as a well-known event within the European Betta scene with some impressive statistics (click below to see a report):
- Holland Betta Show 2010: 265 showbettas by 26 breeders of 7 European countries.
- Holland Betta Show 2011: 308 showbettas by 36 breeders of 6 European countries.
- Holland Betta Show 2012: 308 showbettas by 36 breeders of 7 European countries.
- Holland Betta Show 2013: 308 showbettas by 36 breeders of 9 European countries.
- Holland Betta Show 2014: 308 showbettas by 34 breeders of 12 European countries.
- Holland Betta Show 2015: 308 showbettas by 45 breeders of 14 European countries.

Registration will open on the 1st of July 2016 and will close at the 12th of august 2016.
Benching of the fish takes place on Thursday 18th August 2016.

We are looking forward to welcome you in the tent of the Holland Aquarium Show to come and see the Holland Betta Show for yourself. Please mark 19-21 August 2016 (plus benching on the 18th) in your agenda!

More the information with respect to visiting and/or participation at the Holland Betta Show  2016 can be found on this website and our forum.
During the coming months this topic and our website will be regularly updated to provide you with all the necessary information.

Have fun!

With kind regards from the Netherlands,

The Bettas4all Show Team
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DT Gold Administrateur
DT Gold Administrateur

Date d'inscription : 01/07/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016   Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 EmptyMer 27 Jan 2016, 11:17

...en français:

Bettas4all présente: The Holland Betta Show 2015
19-21 août 2016
Kasteeltuinen Arcen
Lingsforterweg 26
5944 BE Arcen
Pays Bas

La 7me édition du Holland Betta Show sera tenu lors de la 24me édition du Holland Koi Show dans les jardins Castle Gardens of Arcen, Pays Bas.

Le Holland Betta Show 2016 se situers dans la tente du Holland Aquarium Show et l'équipe Bettas4all présentera ce magnifique hobby au public. Les membrs du club expérimentés donneront toutes les informations concernant la maintenance, l'élevage et les concours de Show Bettas.
Environ 300 Bettas de diverses vatiétés de forme et de couleur seront présentés.
Les visiteurs auront la possibilité d'acheter des Bettas de qualité à des prix raisonnables.

Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer que cette année un concours spécial  est prévu:

Les Bettas “Koi” seront jugés par des juges de Kois !
En plus d'être jugés selon le standards Bettas4all Standard©, tous les "marbrés koi" seront en outre jugés selon leur motif, par des juges de Koï certifiés.

Ouverture des inscriptions le 1er juillet 2016 et clôture le12 août 2016.
L'installation des poissons dans l'expo aura lieu le jeudei 18th aoûtt 2016.

Nous nous réjouissons de votre visite à la tente du Holland Aquarium Show et en particulier au Holland Betta Show. Notez ces dates dans votre agenda: 19-21 août 2016 (et l'installation le  18).

Plus d'information sur notre site web ainsi que sur notre forum, qui seront mis à jour régulièrement.

Bien du plaisir !

Avec nos amicales salutations des Pays Bas,

Equipe Bettas4all

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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016   Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 EmptySam 18 Juin 2016, 22:51

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that we have updated our show website. More information regarding the Holland Betta Show 2016 can be found by selecting “Holland Betta Show 2016” in the menu on our show website:

Important information:
Entry fee per fish: 3.00 euro.
Maximum number of fish per breeder: 10*.
* In order to give more breeders the chance to register their fish, we have limited the maximum number of entries to 10 fish per breeder in order to promote an even more interesting competition. This number is fixed and will not be further reduced.

!!Special bonus for participants!!
- All participants will receive a 3-day entry ticket for the entire event.

Benching of the fish takes place on Thursday 18th August 2016 between 14:00-18:00h. You can collect your fish again on Sunday 21st August 2016 at 18:00h.

Payment of the entry fee has to be made when you bench your fish on Thurday 18th August 2016.

Registration will open on the 1st of July 2016 and will close at the 14th of august 2016.

Program Holland Betta Show 2016
Citation :
Thursday 18th of August 2016
- 9:00-15:00h Build up Holland Betta Show by the Bettas4all Show Team + helpers.
- 14:00-18:00h Benching & sorting of the fish.
- 19:00h Start BBQ & party at the groupaccomodation..

Friday 19th of August 2016
- 8:00h Start judging of the fish according to the Bettas4all Standard©.
- 9:30h Opening show location for the public & start sales of extra fish (no show fish will be sold on this day!)
- 13:00-15:00h End judging of the fish according to the Bettas4all Standard©.
- 15:00-18:00h Judging special competition: “Koi” bettas judged by Koi Judges.
- 18:00h Show location closed for the public!
- 19:00h Start BBQ & party at the groupaccomodation.

Saturday 20th of August 2016
- 9:30h Opening show location for the public & start sales of show fish (with exception of the winning fish and only if offered for sale by their owner!).
- 18:00h Show location closed for the public!
- 19:00h Start BBQ & party at the groupaccomodation.
- 20:30h Award ceremony at the groupaccomodation!

Sunday 21st of August 2016
- 9:30h Opening show location for the public & start sales winning show fish (only if offered for sale by their owner!)
- 18:00h Show location closed for the public!
- 18:00-……h Picking up of the fishes by the participants and break down of the
Holland Betta Show 2016.

With kind regards,

The Bettas4all Show Team
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Plakat Juvénile
Plakat Juvénile

Date d'inscription : 17/03/2016

Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Betta show   Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 EmptyDim 19 Juin 2016, 07:23

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MessageSujet: Re: Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016   Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016 Empty

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Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 19-21 August 2016
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